The Importance of Online Video Marketing for your healthcare organisation

More people than ever before are moving online to search for healthcare information and services. Your healthcare organisation’s marketing strategy must move at the same speed to let your audiences know what you do and attract the best staff to join your teams.

Do you have online video content?

Many leading hospitals and other healthcare providers have produced online videos for years, promoting their expertise and giving information. These are proven to influence decision-making for potential service users, recruits, corporate partners, and other key demographics. Nowadays, video content has to be part of your online presence. So, to put it bluntly, if you’re not already doing it, you should be.

Video content has the potential for excellent search engine optimisation (SEO). This means the best chance of featuring highly in relevant web searches. (For example: if you are a hospital in Kent with an outstanding maternity provision, you should place well in a search for “maternity ward Kent” or “hospital midwifery Kent,” and so on).

How to get the most from your promotional video production

In the world of healthcare, particularly in the NHS, budgetary constraints are, of course, paramount. However, done efficiently, with an excellent strategy and clear objectives, a video is a very valuable tool. It’s also not nearly as expensive as you might fear and has the potential for reuse. As well as online, your video can work as a resource for screening in-house, in lobbies or waiting areas, and at events. 

When developing a healthcare video, remember that the primary audiences will always be the general public and the potential recruit. And as the NHS benefits from considerable goodwill and support from the public, your promotional video will have a specific viral marketing value through likes and reshares on social media platforms and local media outlets. It’s also important from an SEO point of view to offer informative material and simply promote an organisation.

Benefits of producing an online healthcare video

  1. This is your opportunity to highlight what your organisation does, the services you provide, and the services you particularly want to promote. Videos are a great way to explain what you do in a clear, fun, and easy way. People generally retain more information about an organisation after watching a video than they do after reading the same information.
  2. You can choose to create an overview of any aspect of your services. This can be a specific service or department, group of staff or an ongoing project. People are fascinated by “behind the scenes” content and the way hospitals work – just look at the success of all the tv shows that cover precisely this.
  3. You can give authenticity, a sense of expertise, and authority with the use of online video content. There is a preconceived notion that only big, successful organisations have videos produced by content providers, and whilst that is simply not true – videos work just as well for smaller organisations – it does garner respect and is seen as impressive 
  4. In business, videos have a very good “conversion rate,” meaning simply that when people watch a company’s video, they are much more likely to contact them or find out more – more so than in any other form of digital marketing. This works equally well for service users and potential recruits in the healthcare sector.

Need a little help?

When it comes to understanding why video production is so important, it is key to focus on the fact that it increases enquiries, is engaging to web users, and is an exciting way to promote a service or organisation. 

Online promotional video production can appear daunting, and knowing where to start can be tough, especially if you’re not the creative type.

However, there are tonnes of video content providers, such as those here at Healthcare Films by Wildwood. We’re skilled and experienced London videographers and experts in creating the perfect customised corporate video for your business. Schedule a call for an informal chat about producing a video to promote your excellent services, within your budget.

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